Ethical Guidelines and Good Practice Norms

Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica has two boards that contribute to maintain and enhance the quality of the journal: the Advisory Board and the Editorial Board (see "Editorial Team").

A. Ethical obligations of the Advisory Board

1. The Advisory Board fulfills the consulting needs of the journal. It is constituted by internationally renowned scholars in several subdisciplines of Hispanic Philology.

2. One of the main duties of its members is to review manuscripts in their research area and, if necessary, to advise the Editors and the Editorial Board on suitable reviewers for the contributions.

B. Ethical obligations of the Editors and the Editorial Board

1.The Editors and Editorial Board will consider all manuscripts offered for publication, judging only on their academic and scientific merits.

2. All manuscripts should follow the “Author Guidelines”.

3. The responsibility for acceptance or rejection of a manuscript rests on the Editors and Editorial Board, who will support their decision on anonymous peer-reviews of the manuscript.

4. In the case of contradictory reviews, the manuscript will be subject to a third review (see "Peer Review Process").

5. The Editors and Editorial Board will uphold the principle of double-blind peer-review invariably, and the identities of the reviewers assigned to a specific paper will not be disclosed unless the reviewer directly requests so.

6. The Editors and Editorial Board reserve the right to reject manuscripts if they are considered inappropriate for the journal’s scope and mission, that is, if their content is not related to the disciplines of main concern of Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica.

C. Ethical obligations of the authors

1. Authors should follow the "Author Guidelines".

2. Authors should only present manuscripts that are the result of original research. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica will not accept submissions that have already been published.

3. Authors should not submit the same manuscript for publication simultaneously to another journal.

4. Authors should identify the sources used for their research through proper citation and the adequate listing of references.

5. Authors warrant that the paper is their original work, that it does not infringe any rights of others.

6. Authors should present their research results and state the relevance of their work as clearly as possible.

7. Authors’ manuscripts will not be sent to the reviewers until they fulfill all of the requirements established in "Author Guidelines".

8. The authors must make available to the journal the data used in the preparation of their text. When open access to this information is possible, the author must include a link in the text to consult it.

D. Ethical obligations of the reviewers

1. Reviewers must perform an objective analysis of the manuscripts accepted for review.

2. A reviewer who realizes that their expertise is limited to judge the research reported in a manuscript shall return the text to the Editors in less than ten days.

3. Reviewers should treat a manuscript as a confidential document.

4. Reviewers should write up their evaluation within eight weeks after manuscript reception.

5. Reviewers should provide an authoritative assessment based on their adequate expertise on the subject.

6. Reviewers should not use or disclose unpublished information, arguments or interpretations contained in a manuscript under consideration except with the consent of the author.

7. Reviewers should explain their judgments, so the Editors, the Editorial Board and the author may understand the analytical basis of their comments.

E. Other aspects

1. NRFH uses anti-plagiarism software for every submission (Turnitin).

2. For additional information about scientific ethics, see David R. Koepsell & Manuel H Ruiz de Chávez, Ética de la investigación. Integridad científica (México: CONACYT - Comisión Nacional de Bioética - Secretaría de Salud, 2015). Download the attachment here.

3. We also adhere to the ethical principles of research of El Colegio de México.