Las genealogías espurias del Imperio turco y el islam en la "Silva de varia lección" de Pedro Mexía y sus posibles efectos en la percepción de los moriscos
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Pedro Mexía
Carlos V

How to Cite

Marchante-Aragón, L. A. (2014). Las genealogías espurias del Imperio turco y el islam en la "Silva de varia lección" de Pedro Mexía y sus posibles efectos en la percepción de los moriscos. Nueva Revista De Filología Hispánica (NRFH), 62(2), 357–381.


Pedro Mexía in Silva de varia lección (1540) offers information that backs thepolicies of Carlos V when the Spanish kingdoms are resisting their support.These call for the unity of Christian realms against the turks, whose empirehe tries to discredit with arguments about the illegitimate genealogy of theiremperors and their religion as opposed to the preeminent origin of Carlos V’sempire. Even if Mexía’s work had swayed public opinion in Spain to considerimperial policy as Spanish policy, the insistence of these arguments in the vilegenealogies of islam and its followers could have also sponsored the idea thatthe moriscos were impossible to integrate in the Christian community of Spaniardsby virtue of their genealogy.
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Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica (1947-), volume 66, 2, July-December 2018, is a semi-annual publication edited by El Colegio de México, Carretera Picacho Ajusco 20, Ampliación Fuentes del Pedregal, Tlalpan, C.P. 14110, Mexico City, Mexico, Tel. (55) 5449-3000,, Editor: Pedro Martín Butragueño. Assistant editors: Alejandro Rivas and Jesus Jorge Valenzuela. All Rights Reserved: 04-2015-070112341900-203, ISSN (print): 0185-0121, ISSN (electronic): 2448-6558, as registered with the National Copyright Institute. Typographical composition: El Atril Tipográfico. Person in charge of updating this issue: Perla Reyna Muñoz; date of last update: June 26, 2018.

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