Urban space and aquatic imagery in Juan Villoro´s Materia Dispuesta.
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Mexico City
material images
Juan Villoro
Materia dispuesta

How to Cite

Di Biase Castro, E. T. (2017). Urban space and aquatic imagery in Juan Villoro´s Materia Dispuesta. Nueva Revista De Filología Hispánica (NRFH), 65(2), 543–567. https://doi.org/10.24201/nrfh.v65i2.3106


Reception: July 15, 2015

Accepted: October 11, 2016.

Material images —in the sense that Gaston Bachelard understands them— play an important role in the imagery dimension that space acquires in Mexico City; that is to say, the way the four elements are configured serves to a great extent to shape the identity of this hipermetropolis. Juan Villoro, one of the contemporary writers most closely linked to the Mexican capital, is very sensitive to this material dimension. His novel Materia dispuesta interprets the material aspect of the city in terms of a Bildungsroman. The main character and the city undergo a synchronic evolution: their meanings and their bodies intertwine. This study addresses the aquatic imagery in the novel. 


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Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica (1947-), volume 66, 2, July-December 2018, is a semi-annual publication edited by El Colegio de México, Carretera Picacho Ajusco 20, Ampliación Fuentes del Pedregal, Tlalpan, C.P. 14110, Mexico City, Mexico, Tel. (55) 5449-3000, http://nrfh.colmex.mx/index.php/NRFH, nrfh@colmex.mx. Editor: Pedro Martín Butragueño. Assistant editors: Alejandro Rivas and Jesus Jorge Valenzuela. All Rights Reserved: 04-2015-070112341900-203, ISSN (print): 0185-0121, ISSN (electronic): 2448-6558, as registered with the National Copyright Institute. Typographical composition: El Atril Tipográfico. Person in charge of updating this issue: Perla Reyna Muñoz; date of last update: June 26, 2018.

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