Variables in a binary deictic system: aquí, acá, ahí, allí and allá in mexican spanish
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cognitive semantics

How to Cite

Stradioto, S., & Maldonado, R. (2018). Variables in a binary deictic system: aquí, acá, ahí, allí and allá in mexican spanish. Nueva Revista De Filología Hispánica (NRFH), 66(2), 395–423.


This paper analyses the meaning of aquí, acá, ahí, allí and allá in Mexican Spanish from a cognitive semantics viewpoint. The paradigm is dis- tributed along binary lines based on: 1) construal and base parameters, where the series with -á ending are contrasted with the -í ending in degrees of sub- jectivity; 2) integration of ego in the reference space, in which acá represents the total integration and allá, the separation imposed by some conceptual obstacle; 3) the domain of ego, in which aquí designates the locations inside this domain; and 4) focality, in which allí designates the locations in the low- focal region, and ahí, the locations in a high-focal region. Because its value is more objective and focal, ahí assumes the role of the unmarked member of the category.
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Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica (1947-), volume 66, 2, July-December 2018, is a semi-annual publication edited by El Colegio de México, Carretera Picacho Ajusco 20, Ampliación Fuentes del Pedregal, Tlalpan, C.P. 14110, Mexico City, Mexico, Tel. (55) 5449-3000,, Editor: Pedro Martín Butragueño. Assistant editors: Alejandro Rivas and Jesus Jorge Valenzuela. All Rights Reserved: 04-2015-070112341900-203, ISSN (print): 0185-0121, ISSN (electronic): 2448-6558, as registered with the National Copyright Institute. Typographical composition: El Atril Tipográfico. Person in charge of updating this issue: Perla Reyna Muñoz; date of last update: June 26, 2018.

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