Editorial Team

N U E V A  R E V I S T A  D E

F I L O L O G Í A   H I S P Á N I C A





Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica publishes articles and notes about Spanish and Spanish-American literature, Hispanic linguistics and literary and linguistic methodology and theory, in addition to book and article reviews, and a specialized and classified bibliography. The journal has been edited by the Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios of El Colegio de México since 1947, and it is issued twice a year in January and July.

    Apart from the traditional printed edition, the Nueva Revista has an open-access online version. It is financed by public funds managed by El Colegio de Mexico. NRFH is published in Spanish, in accordance with its academic field. It is addressed to the international community of Hispanists, with the aim to contribute to the most rigorous scientific research of the Spanish language and the Hispanic literatures.

    NRFH follows a strict double-blind review system. Our reviewers are internationally renowned scholars. Nueva Revista adheres to tight Ethical Guidelines and Good Practice Norms. A number of explicit standards are followed (see Author Guidelines) for publication. The journal is mentioned, compiled or quoted in different indices and international databases, such as ERIH Plus, Scopus (Elsevier) or ESCI (Web of Science), among others (see "Indexed in"). It also has a collection of supplements that comes in the form of "Publications".

    In 1986, the Spanish Royal Academy awarded Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica the prize of the Nieto López Foundation, "in response to the task in favor of the Spanish language". The NRFH is included in the "System of Classification of Mexican Journals of Science and Technology" and it is considered by the researchers in Hispanic philology as one of the most important journals in its field.



MARTHA LILIA TENORIO TRILLO [El Colegio de México, México] [ORCIDlink]

 Assistant Editors

ALEJANDRO RIVAS [El Colegio de México, Mexico] and JESÚS JORGE VALENZUELA [El Colegio de México, Mexico]

Editorial Board

REBECA BARRIGA VILLANUEVA [El Colegio de México, México] [ORCID, link], KARLA XIOMARA LUNA MARISCAL [El Colegio de México, México] [ORCID, link], ALFONSO MEDINA URREA [El Colegio de México, México] [ORCID, link 1, link 2], NIKTELOL PALACIOS [El Colegio de México, México] [ORCID, link 1, link 2] y SERGIO UGALDE QUINTANA [El Colegio de México, México] [ORCID, link]

Advisory Board

JOSÉ MANUEL BLECUA (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) [link], IGNACIO BOSQUE (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) [link 1] [link 2], ANTONIO CARREIRA (Independent researcher, Spain) [link], CONCEPCIÓN COMPANY (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico) [ORCIDlink], ANDREAS DUFTER (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany) [ORCIDlink], MARGIT FRENK (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico) [link], ANÍBAL GONZÁLEZ (Yale University, USA) [link], JOSÉ IGNACIO HUALDE (University of Illinois, USA) [ORCIDlink], YVETTE JIMÉNEZ DE BÁEZ (El Colegio de México, Mexico) [ORCIDlink 1] [link 2], JOHANNES KABATEK (Universität Zürich, Switzerland) [ORCIDlink], LUIS FERNANDO LARA (El Colegio de México, Mexico) [ORCID], HANS J. NIEDEREHE (Universität Trier, Germany) [link], LUIS ORTIZ (Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico) [link], ROBERTA QUANCE (The Queen’s University of Belfast, North Ireland) [link], MIGUEL ÁNGEL QUESADA (Universitetet i Bergen, Norway) [link], AUGUSTIN REDONDO (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France) [link], FRANCISCO RICO (Real Academia Española, Spain) [link], JULIO RODRÍGUEZ-LUIS (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA) [link], ALDO RUFFINATTO (Università di Torino, Italy) [link], SABINE SCHLICKERS (Universität Bremen, Germany) [ORCIDlink], JORGE SCHWARTZ (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) [link], HIROTO UEDA (University of Tokyo, Japan) [link], EDWIN WILLIAMSON (Oxford University, England) [link] and ANA MARÍA ZUBIETA (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) [link]

 Administrative Secretariat: Perla Muñoz      Scholar: Jordi Martínez

   NRFH is indexed in: 




Administration: El Colegio de México, A.C., Carretera Picacho Ajusco 20, Ampliación Fuentes del Pedregal, Tlalpan, C.P. 14110, Mexico City, Mexico. Email address: nrfh@colmex.mx, webpage: http://nrfh.colmex.mx/index.php/nrfh

     Each issue: Mexico, 150 pesos; abroad, 50 US dollars. Annual subscription: Mexico, 300 pesos; abroad, 100 US dollars, plus 30 US dollars for shipping. Certificates of Title Law No. 04-1989-000000000103-102 of January 13, 1989 and legality of contents No. 2983.

    Typographical composition: El Atril Tipográfico, S.A. de C.V. Printing: Gráfica Premier, S.A de C.V Calle 5 de Febrero 2309, Col. San Jerónimo Chicahualco, 52710 Metepec, Estado de México.

ISSN 0185-0121    e-ISSN 2448-6558