Style sheet

Document types considered for publication in Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica are described in Section Policies.

   Collaborations for NRFH should be written in Spanish, according to the following rules:





  1. All submitted manuscripts must have not been published before and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The manuscript must be written in Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1.5.
  2. Title, abstract (100 words) and keywords (5 words at least) should be included in Spanish and English. The abstract should make explicit the purpose of the research, the findings and conclusions and the originality and value (contribution and relevance) of the writing.
  3. The title should appear in capital letters. Author's name and his or her institution will write down at the beginning of the text, as well as institutional email and ORCID.
  4. The manuscript will be sent to NRFH preferably through the website Alternatively, the email can be also used.
  5. The file will be in letter size (8.5 x 11 inches); the right and left margins will have 1 inch.
  6. Each paragraph should begin with indentation.
  7. Demonstrative pronouns (ésteaquél, etc.) and the adverb sólo are written with a tilde in NRFH (see the observations of Academia Mexicana de la Lengua in
  8. Research articles should be no more than 30 pages in length. Research notes should be no more than 30 pages in length. Book reviews should be between 5 and 8 pages. However, NRFH can consider longer manuscripts in exceptional and justified cases.
  9. Books for reviewing should have been published no more than 5 years before the year of the journal issue in which the book review is going to be published.
  10. Footnotes will be numbered and appear at the end of the manuscript (line spacing 1.5).
  11. Textual quotations longer than four lines will be in a separate paragraph, with margins on both sides greater than those in the rest of the text.
  12. Bibliographical references will appear in footnotes, not in the text, unless they are brief. They will include the author's last name, the year and the page: “(Pérez Aguilar 2016, p. 57)”, “como señala Pérez Aguilar (2016, p. 57)”, “Pérez Aguilar, en su trabajo sobre los canarismos (2016, p. 57)”, etc.
  13. Tables, figures and graphics will be numbered and included at the end of the manuscript.
  14. Centuries will be written with Roman numbers, in small capitals.
  15. Words in languages different to Spanish (e.g. Latin) will appear in italics.
  16. Text citations must be transcribed in the original language. Its translation into Spanish will not be accepted, unless it is relevant to the object of study of the article or note.

  17. NRFH has not set a deadline for receipt of contributions; it is always open to receive new contributions.

  18. If a manuscript is accepted, the style will be corrected if necessary.
  19. The Editorial Secretariat will acknowledge receipt of the originals within fifteen working days. The editor of the journal will inform about its publication according to the criteria established in the Section Policies.
  20. NRFH will not return received originals.
  21. Bibliographical references will be made according to the format used by NRFH. These will include the first and last name of the author, title, publisher, place and date of publication, or title of the journal, volume, year and pages. DOI must be specified whenever it exists. It will be quoted according to the following examples:


Lida, Raimundo 1980. Prosas de Quevedo, Crítica, Barcelona.

-If it is relevant for the discussion inside the text, current editions of classical works should include the year of princeps edition:

Padillla, Pedro de 2010 [1582]. Églogas pastoriles de Pedro de Padilla y juntamente con ellas algunos sonetos del mismo autor. Ed. de José J. Labrador Herraiz y Ralph A. DiFranco. Pról. de Aurelio Valladares, Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, México.

-Anonymous author:

Ordenamiento de las cortes celebradas en Alcalá de Henares 1861 [1348]. Real Academia Española, Madrid.


Lara Garrido, José 1980. “Amado y aborrecido: trayectoria de un dubbio poético”, Analecta Malacitana, 3, 1, pp. 113-148.

-Book chapters:

Aleza Izquierdo, Milagros 2010. “Morfología y sintaxis. Observaciones gramaticales de interés en el español de América”, en La lengua española en América. Normas y usos actuales. Coord. de Milagros Aleza Izquierdo y José María Enguita Utrilla, Universitàt de València, València, pp. 95-223.

-A particular work in an anthology of the same author:

Boccaccio, Giovanni 1967. Filocolo. Ed. de Antonio Enzo Quaglio, en Tutte le opere di Giovanni Boccaccio, t. 1. Ed. de Vittore Branca, Mondadori, Milano, pp. 61-675.

-Publications of a journal:

Castro, Américo (ed.) 1936. Glosarios latino-españoles de la Edad Media, CSIC, Madrid. (Anejos de la Revista de Filología Española, 22).


Espino Martín, Javier 2004. Evolución de la enseñanza gramatical jesuítica en el contexto socio-cultural español entre los siglos xvi y primera mitad del xviii, tesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, tesis/ fll/ ucm-t28425.pdf. [consultado el 2 de diciembre de 2016].

-URL and consultation day should be written down for online works:

Boccaccio, Giovanni 1546. Laberinto de amor (1546) de Juan Boccaccio. Ed. de Diego Romero Lucas, en Textos Lemir, Universitat, València, [consultado el 2 de diciembre de 2016].

-The same rule applies for data bases:

Real Academia Española: Banco de datos (CORDE) [en línea]. Corpus diacrónico del español, [consultado el…].

-In book reviews, the year appears after the city; additional bibliographical data are expected:

Pérez García, Mateo 2016. Problemas en las ediciones de textos áureos, Filia, México, 2016; 256 pp., figuras, cuadros, índices.

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Frequent abbreviations in NRFH

apud = in the work by

art. cit. = quoted article

cf. = see

cap. = chapter

coord. por = coordinated by

ed. = edition, editor

ed. crít. = critical edition

ed. cit. = quoted edition

esp. = especially

est. prel. = preliminary study

et al. = and others

f., ff. = folio, folios

ibid. = same work but different page

idemid. = same work and same page

introd. = introduction

lib. = book

loc. cit. = same work and same page

ms. = manuscript, manuscripts

n. = note

núm., núms. = issue, issues

op. cit. = quoted work

passim = about

p., pp. = page, pages

pref. = preface

r° = recto (of a folio)

s., ss. = following [pages]

s.a. = no year

s.f. = no date

s.l. = no place

s.v. = sub voce

s. vv. = sub vocibus

sic = in that way

trad. = translator, translation

trad. esp. = Spanish translation

t., ts. = tome, tomes

v., vv. = verse, verses

v. gr. = e. g.

v° = verso (of a folio)

vol., vols. = volume, volumes

vs. = versus

   NRFH establishes its own acronyms for journals and book titles according to its citation system in the "Bibliography of Hispanic Philology"; the authors, however, must include the complete titles.