Vol. 69 No. 1 (2021): Enero-Junio

Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica publishes articles and notes about Spanish and Spanish-American literature, Hispanic linguistics and literary and linguistic methodology and theory, in addition to book and article reviews, and a specialized and classified bibliography. The journal has been edited by the Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios of El Colegio de México since 1947, and it is issued twice a year in January and July.

   Apart from the traditional printed edition, the Nueva Revista has an open-access online version. It is financed by public funds managed by El Colegio de Mexico. NRFH is published in Spanish, in accordance with its academic field. It is addressed to the international community of Hispanists, with the aim to contribute to the most rigorous scientific research of the Spanish language and the Hispanic literatures.

   NRFH follows a strict double-blind review system. Our reviewers are internationally renowned scholars. Nueva Revista adheres to tight Ethical Guidelines and Good Practice Norms. A number of explicit standards are followed (see Author Guidelines) for publication. The journal is mentioned, compiled or quoted in different indices and international databases, such as ERIH Plus, Scopus (Elsevier) or ESCI (Web of Science), among others (see Indexed in). It also has a collection of supplements that comes in the form of PublicationsNRFH has neither article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.

   In 1986, the Spanish Royal Academy awarded Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica the prize of the Nieto López Foundation, "in response to the task in favor of the Spanish language". The NRFH is included in the "System of Classification of Mexican Journals of Science and Technology" and it is considered by the researchers in Hispanic philology as one of the most important journals in its field.



Jacques Joset
Pero López de Ayala, Libro del Canciller o Libro del Palacio. Ed., introd. y notas de Michel Garcia. Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, 2019; 442 pp. (Historia Medieval y Moderna, 82).
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Lilian Medina
Romances nuevamente sacados de hystorias antiguas dela crónica de España por Lorenço de Sepúlueda (Amberes, 1551). Edición facsímil. Estudio de Alejandro Higashi. Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, Madrid, 2018; 703 pp.: Romances nuevamente sacados de hystorias antiguas dela crónica de España por Lorenço de Sepúlueda vezino de Seuilla (Amberes, s.a.). Edición facsímil. Estudio de Mario Garvin. Coordinación de la edición de José J. Labrador Herraiz. Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, México, 2018; 762 pp.
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Ulises Bravo López
Andrés Sánchez Robayna, Nuevas cuestiones gongorinas. (Góngora y el gongorismo). Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2018; 293 pp.
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Yliana Rodríguez González
Yanna Hadatty, Norma Lojero Vega y Rafael Mondragón (coords.), La revolución intelectual de la Revolución mexicana (1900-1940). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 2019; xxxvi + 534 pp.
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Begoña Pulido Herráez
Françoise Perus, Transculturaciones en el aire (en torno a la cuestión de la forma artística en la crítica de la narrativa hispanoamericana). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, 2019; 412 pp.
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Juan E. de Castro
Wilfrido H. Corral, Discípulos y maestros 2.0. Novela hispanoamericana hoy. Iberoamericana-Vervuert, Madrid-Frankfurt/M., 2019; 610 pp.
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